So I dug out my old Arban Edition for trumpet and was delighted to see that it could be used for reed instruments as well. This proved to be much easier than trying to use the awkward brass valve fingerings. I opted to go with the standard EWI 5000 fingerings and quickly learned to play the C scale and then the chromatic. I have played sax a little over the years and looked at those fingerings. Right away, I realized using the brass fingerings was a nightmare. C) I was first chair trumpet in high school band, could play all the Herbert Clarke solos of old and I noticed that on the latest EWI it could accomm odate brass player fingerings. Clarinet, Harmonica, Tenor Sax and a few others. B) the software has advanced for enough that it actually sounds like certain instruments, i.e. I decided on ordering the EWI 5000 for three reasons: A) I now live in an apartment and cannot play any loud instruments. I think Sax players were fascinated by it they could now make weird sounds like the electric guitar players. I've been aware of the EWI series since Michael Brecker began playing the instrument many years ago. However there are a few things I would say to anyone considering this instrument: The price was right for me and I received the instrument quickly and in good condition. To see if this instrument is right for you, please read my complete review.